Stay at an Agriturismo in Italy: The Ultimate Guide

Welcome to “The Ultimate Guide to Staying at an Agriturismo in Italy,” where we invite you to embark on a remarkable journey through the enchanting countryside of Italy. Nestled amidst sprawling vineyards, picturesque olive groves, and rolling hills, an agriturismo offers a unique and authentic experience that seamlessly blends rural charm with modern comfort.

In this guide, we will delve into the definition and concept of an agriturismo, unravel the reasons behind its soaring popularity in Italy, and provide you with a comprehensive roadmap to make your stay at an agriturismo an unforgettable experience.

So, get ready to immerse yourself in the heartwarming hospitality, delectable cuisine, and breathtaking beauty that awaits you in the tranquil embrace of Italy’s agriturismi.

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What is an Agriturismo

The relatively new word, Agriturismo,  is made by combining the two Italian words agricoltura (agriculture) and turismo (tourism).  An agriturismo is often a farm/country home that receives guests, whether for food (lunch/dinner), holiday accommodation, or a combination of both.

Agriturismi (the plural of Agriturismo) come in all shapes and sizes, and prices and many offer hands-on experiences as detailed further on in this article.

Choosing the Right Agriturismo

Researching and selecting the location:  When choosing the right agriturismo, it is essential to invest time in researching and selecting the location. Factors such as proximity to attractions, natural landscapes, or cultural sites, as well as accessibility, should be considered.  Note that because of the rural nature of many agriturismi, you will probably need a car to get to your accommodation and to travel around the local area.  Check here for car hire in Italy.  Conducting thorough research will ensure that the chosen location aligns with your preferences and offers the desired experience.

Identifying the preferred type of Agriturismo:  Different agriturismos cater to various preferences, such as farm-based experiences, vineyard retreats, or countryside accommodations. Identifying the preferred type of agriturismo is crucial to ensure that it aligns with your interests and the kind of experience you seek. Consider the activities, ambience, and services provided by each agriturismo to find the one that best suits your preferences.

Considering amenities and facilities:  While selecting an agriturismo, it is important to consider the available amenities and facilities. Depending on your needs, you might prioritize features such as swimming pools, Wi-Fi access, on-site restaurants, or recreational activities. Note,  many swimming pools are unfenced at agriturismi, so make sure you take this into consideration when booking, especially if you are taking children with you. Considering these amenities and facilities will help enhance your overall experience and ensure that your stay is comfortable, safe and enjoyable.

Reading reviews and ratings: Before finalizing your choice of agriturismo, make sure to read reviews and ratings from previous guests. Websites like TripAdvisor or online booking platforms such as often provide valuable insights into the experiences of others. By reading reviews, you can gain a better understanding of the agriturismo’s quality, hospitality, cleanliness, and overall customer satisfaction, enabling you to make an informed decision.

Checking availability and making reservations:  Once you have selected your preferred agriturismo, check its availability and make reservations in advance. Popular agriturismos often have limited availability, especially during peak seasons, so booking early ensures you secure your desired dates. Contact the agriturismo directly or use online booking platforms to make your reservation and confirm your stay, providing you with peace of mind and ensuring a smooth process.

Understanding Agriturismo Accommodation

Overview of different types of accommodation: Agriturismi offer a variety of accommodations to suit different preferences. These can include traditional rooms within a farmhouse, self-catering apartments, standalone cottages, or even glamping options like tents or cabins. Each type of accommodation has its own charm and offers a unique experience, allowing visitors to choose based on their desired level of comfort and immersion in the rural environment.

Typical features and characteristics of agriturismo accommodation:  Agriturismo accommodations often reflect the local architecture and culture, incorporating rustic elements and traditional furnishings. They are typically designed to blend harmoniously with the surrounding natural environment. Common features include comfortable beds, private bathrooms, and basic amenities. Some accommodations may have communal areas like shared kitchens, dining spaces, or outdoor seating areas where guests can interact and connect with other visitors.

Unique aspects and benefits of staying in an Agriturismo:  Staying in an agriturismo offers unique aspects and benefits compared to traditional accommodation. Guests have the opportunity to experience the authentic rural lifestyle, immerse themselves in nature, and engage in farm-related activities. It often provides a closer connection to the land, local traditions, and agricultural practices. Agriturismi often serve farm-to-table meals, showcasing fresh, locally sourced ingredients, and providing a genuine culinary experience.

Importance of respecting the rural environment and local customs:  When staying in an agriturismo, it is crucial to respect the rural environment and local customs. This includes following any rules or guidelines provided by the hosts, such as waste management practices or limitations on noise. Respecting the natural surroundings, wildlife, and farmland is essential to preserve the ecological balance and ensure sustainability. Additionally, showing respect for local customs and traditions helps to foster a positive relationship with the agriturismo owners and the local community, creating a better experience for all involved.

Experiencing  Farm Life

Interacting with farm animals:  One of the highlights of staying in an agriturismo is the opportunity to interact with farm animals. Guests can often engage in activities like feeding, grooming, or even milking animals such as cows, goats, sheep, or chickens. This hands-on experience allows visitors to develop a deeper connection with animals and gain a better understanding of their role in the farming ecosystem.

Participating in farm activities and chores:  Some  agriturismi often offer the chance to participate in various farm activities and chores. This can include harvesting fruits and vegetables, tending to crops, or assisting with tasks like haymaking or cheese production. 

Learning about agricultural processes and techniques:  Staying in an agriturismo can also provide a unique opportunity to learn about agricultural processes and techniques. Guests can gain insights into sustainable farming practices, crop rotation, irrigation methods, or livestock management. Knowledgeable hosts are often available to explain these processes, answer questions, and share their expertise, allowing visitors to deepen their understanding of the agricultural industry.

Exploring organic farming practices:  Many agriturismi embrace organic farming practices, focusing on sustainable and environmentally friendly methods. Guests maybe able to learn about the benefits of organic farming, during their stay.

Engaging with local farmers and producers:  Agriturismi are often situated in areas with a vibrant agricultural community. There may well be opportunities for guests can engage with local farmers and producers, learning about their experiences and traditions. This interaction may include visiting nearby farms, attending farmers’ markets or agricultural fairs, and even participating in workshops or demonstrations. 

Getting to Italy

By Air: You can get to all the main Italian airports  easily from the UK, plus other locations within Europe as well as international flights across the globe.  I would recommend using Skyscanner to find flights into Italy and if you are flexible when you go/return use the ‘search by month’ tool to find the most economical flights.

By Train: Access to Italy is also easy by train from many European hubs, and also much more eco-friendly than flying, certainly an option if you have the time.  Check out trains to Italy here.

By Bus: Of course, you can also reach Italy by bus, but I wouldn’t recommend it for very long transits unless of course you are a tight budget (as it is usually the cheapest option).  I would recommend Flixbus, which is a company based in Germany, but serves the vast majority of mainland Europe including Italy.

Exploring the Surrounding Area

Discovering the natural landscapes and countryside:  A stay in an agriturismo often provides access to stunning natural landscapes and picturesque countryside. Guests can explore the surroundings by taking leisurely walks, hikes, or bike rides, allowing them to immerse themselves in the beauty of the local flora and fauna. From rolling hills and meandering rivers to lush forests and charming vineyards, the natural landscapes offer a peaceful retreat and a chance to reconnect with nature.

Visiting nearby villages and towns:  Many agriturismiare often located in close proximity to  villages and towns. Guests can venture out to explore these local settlements, and soak up some local culture and architecture. Visiting nearby villages and towns also provides an opportunity to engage with the local community, visit local shops, and perhaps even witness traditional festivities or markets.

Exploring local attractions and landmarks:  The surrounding area may be rich in historical and cultural attractions, so allowing guests to embark on excursions to visit castles, ancient ruins, museums, or religious sites. 

Engaging in outdoor activities (hiking, biking, horseback riding):  For the more adventurous the rural setting offers a range of outdoor activities for guests to enjoy. Hiking trails, cycling routes, and horseback riding paths are often available, allowing visitors to embrace the beauty of the surroundings while staying active. 

Sampling regional cuisine and products:  Agriturismi are known for their emphasis on regional cuisine and locally sourced products, and guests will often have the opportunity to indulge in authentic dishes made from fresh ingredients produced on the farm or sourced from local suppliers.  Additionally, agriturismos often offer tastings of local wines, cheeses, or olive oils, providing a true farm-to-table experience.

Enjoying Local Cuisine and Products

Learning about the farm-to-table concept:  One of the highlights of staying in this type of accomodation is the opportunity to learn about the farm-to-table concept. Guests can gain insight into the process of cultivating and harvesting ingredients on the farm and understand how they are transformed into delicious meals. Understanding the farm-to-table concept promotes a greater appreciation for the quality and freshness of the ingredients used in local cuisine.

Indulging in traditional Italian dishes prepared with local ingredients:  

Agriturismi very often offer a unique dining experience where guests can indulge in traditional Italian dishes prepared with locally sourced ingredients. From homemade pasta and wood-fired pizzas to hearty stews and delectable desserts, the farm’s produce takes centre stage in creating authentic and flavorful meals. 

Participating in cooking classes and food workshops:  Cooking classes and food workshops, are also often available  allowing guests to immerse themselves in the culinary traditions of the area. Participants can learn how to prepare traditional dishes under the guidance of skilled chefs or experienced farmers. These interactive experiences provide hands-on learning, where guests can acquire new cooking techniques, gain insights into local recipes, and take-home valuable skills to recreate the flavours of their agriturismo experience.

Tasting local wines, cheeses, olive oils, and other specialities:  Agriturismos are typically situated in regions known for their exceptional food and beverage offerings. Guests can indulge in tastings of local wines, sampling the distinct flavours and characteristics of the region’s vineyards. Additionally, they can savour artisanal cheeses, extra virgin olive oils, cured meats, and other specialities that showcase the culinary excellence of the area. 

Purchasing farm products to take home as souvenirs:  Many agriturismos have on-site shops or markets where guests can purchase farm products to take home as souvenirs. These can include preserves, honey, jams, fresh fruits, vegetables, or handmade crafts.  This also provides a means of supporting local agriculture and sustaining the traditions of the area.

Top reviewed agriturismi to give you a flavour of what is available

Here are a couple of the top reviewed agriturismi accommodation options currently on, we tend to use this website for the convenience of instant booking and, often free, cancellation policies for many properties.  

A couple of options worth considering are the Fattoria Bio L’A Ceccoli which is located in the quiet hilly countryside, near San Marino and within easy driving distance to the Adriatic coast.  Or in rural Umbria the beautiful  Agriturismo & bubble room Il Covo del Solengo.

You might also try searching, which will have more agriturismi available than; some properties can be booked via the website, while other may require you to contact the property direct.  The website is convertible to English, but some descriptions may be a little difficult to decipher occasionally if converted from the original Italian.

Connecting with Nature and Sustainability

Embracing the eco-friendly and sustainable practices of agriturismi:

Agriturismi are often strongly committed to eco-friendly and sustainable practices, often making use of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels or wind turbines, and participating in recycling and waste management initiatives. with an active reduction of their ecological footprint.

Understanding the importance of preserving the environment:   Staying in an agriturismo provides an opportunity to deepen one’s understanding of the importance of preserving the environment. Guests can learn about the impact of human activities on ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural resources. Through educational programs or guided nature walks, visitors can gain a greater appreciation for the fragile balance of the environment and the significance of sustainable practices in maintaining its health and beauty.

Exploring nature trails and wildlife conservation areas:  Agriturismos are often nestled in areas of natural beauty, allowing guests to explore nature trails and wildlife conservation areas, so visitors can witness the diversity of flora and fauna, observe wildlife in their natural habitats, and appreciate the beauty of untouched landscapes. 

Engaging in responsible and mindful tourism practices:  Agriturismi provide an ideal setting for practising responsible and mindful tourism. Guests can be mindful of their energy and water usage, minimize waste, and support local and sustainable initiatives. By respecting the natural surroundings, adhering to designated trails, and following guidelines for wildlife observation, visitors contribute to the preservation of the environment and minimize their impact on delicate ecosystems. Responsible and mindful tourism practices ensure that future generations can also enjoy the beauty of these natural landscapes.

Top Tips for a Memorable Agriturismo Experience

Research the agriturismo beforehand: Before booking your stay, thoroughly research the agriturismo you are interested in. Read reviews, check their website, and gather information about their amenities, services, and the experiences they offer.

Pack appropriately: As you’ll be staying on a farm, pack comfortable and practical clothing suitable for outdoor activities. Don’t forget essentials like sturdy shoes, sunscreen, insect repellent, and a hat.

Respect the farm rules: Agriturismi often have specific rules and regulations to ensure the safety and well-being of guests and the farm’s operations. Familiarize yourself with these rules and adhere to them during your stay.

Embrace the farm experience: Agriturismi offer a unique opportunity to connect with nature and the farm lifestyle. Be open to trying farm activities, interacting with animals, and learning about agricultural processes. Embrace the opportunity to get your hands dirty and immerse yourself in the experience.

Communicate with the hosts: Engage in friendly and respectful communication with the agriturismo hosts and staff. They can provide valuable insights, and recommendations, and help make your stay more enjoyable. Don’t hesitate to ask questions or seek assistance.

Embrace the slower pace: Agriturismi are often located in rural areas, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Embrace the slower pace and take the opportunity to relax, unwind, and appreciate the beauty of the countryside.

Engage with the local culture: Immerse yourself in the local culture and traditions of the region. Interact with locals, visit nearby villages and towns, and explore local attractions. This will enhance your overall experience and provide a deeper understanding of the local way of life.

Sample the local cuisine: One of the highlights of staying at an agriturismo is indulging in delicious farm-to-table cuisine. Don’t miss the opportunity to savour traditional Italian dishes made with fresh, local ingredients. Ask the hosts for recommendations on the best local restaurants or enjoy meals prepared by the agriturismo itself.

Participate in cooking classes: Many agriturismos offer cooking classes where you can learn to prepare authentic Italian dishes. Take part in these classes to learn new recipes, cooking techniques, and gain a deeper appreciation for the local culinary traditions.

Explore the surrounding area: While enjoying your stay at the agriturismo, take time to explore the beautiful surroundings. Go for walks, hikes, or bike rides to discover the natural landscapes, nearby trails, and picturesque scenery. Make the most of your time by venturing out and experiencing the region beyond the farm.

Create some lasting memories: In conclusion, agriturismi in Italy offers a unique and enriching experience for travellers. From the tranquillity of the countryside to the delicious farm-fresh food, it provides an authentic taste of Italian life. By embracing agriturismo, one can discover the hidden gems of Italy and create lasting memories.



Activities: Viator

Flights: Skyscanner

Trains: Rail Europe

Bus: FlixBus

Car Hire: AutoEurope


Because of the often out-of-the-way locations of many agriturismi, we often find the best way is to travel by car.  If we hire a car we tend to use AutoEurope in the first instance as this website compares car rentals across Italy and further afield.

Staying Safe

Rural Italy is generally safe, and crimes of violence against visitors are rare, but if you visit any of the major cities, petty theft and pickpocketing do occur especially in crowded tourist spots or busy public transport.  So keep your valuables safe and out of sight.

If you have an emergency, dial 112 for assistance.

Of course, the key thing is to have comprehensive travel insurance coverage to protect against, cancellations, theft, illness etc.  For this, we use and recommend using  Staysure – specialists in over 50’s travel insurance, as we have always found them fair and easy to deal with.